The School Community at Chilliwack Secondary is encouraged to act in a responsible and socially acceptable manner. Our goal is to provide opportunities for the optimum learning experience for all our students and staff in a safe and comfortable learning environment. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines for appropriate student behavior while under the jurisdiction of the school. It is expected that students will exhibit behavior that is consistent with the principles of common decency and courtesy to others. Proper conduct is expected while on the school premises, on the way to and from school, at all school games, functions and field trips, and behavior beyond these times (including on-line behavior) that negatively impacts the safe, caring, or orderly environment of the school and/or student learning.
Chilliwack Secondary School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Codes respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law-prohibiting discriminations based on race, colour, and ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation.
Clothing should be suitable for a school learning environment. Clothing and footwear should be comfortable and appropriate for students to participate safely in all school activities including physical education, science, cooking, and shops. Clothing should demonstrate a respect for the school community and the B.C. Human Rights Code. For example, articles of clothing that promote direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, gang culture, sex, weapons, violence, or profanity will not be permitted. Clothing may not encourage sexism, racism, homophobia, or discrimination regarding gender identity, sexual preference, race, religion, or origin. Clothing fabric must cover private parts, and not be transparent in those areas. Any person dressed in an inappropriate manner, will be advised discretely, and given an opportunity to meet the school dress code.
Please click to view the 2024-2025 STUDENT HANDBOOK
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