The CSS Anime Club meets Thursdays at lunch in Room 3008. We watch and discuss Japanese animation and do fun activities related to anime, manga, fandoms, and Japanese pop culture. This is a safe space for everyone and all are welcome. Follow us on Instagram @cssanime.
When: Thursdays at lunch
Where: Room 3008
Contact: Mr. Kimberley
Do you want to help CSS be a safer and more inclusive environment? We will be raising awareness of how our actions and language affect others, join us!
When: First meeting at lunch on Jan 28th
Where: Conference Room 2
Contact: Sarah Lee
All Grade 9 - 12 students are welcome to come and join us for refreshments, prizes and talking about our books! See Mrs. Davies in the Library for information and to sign-up.
When: One Wednesday a month at lunch (see Mrs. Davies for dates)
Where: Library in the Maker's Space
Contact: Mrs. Davies
For anyone interested in learning about running a business, investing in the stock market and personal financial literacy.
When: Thursdays at lunch
Where: 2005
Contact: Mr. Ferris
Swing by and learn some tips to beat your friends! All are welcome, no experience needed! Being a part of the chess club looks good on your scholarship applications.
When: Mondays at lunch
Where: Library in the Maker's Space
Contact: Mrs. Davies
For those that can play and those want to learn to play. Bring your lunch.
When: Wednesdays at lunch
Where: 3162
Contact: Ms. Taylor
Do you love to crochet or knit? Want to make items for gifts, or work on projects (e.g. hats for newborn babies or homeless people in our community)? Come to the library's MAKERSPACE at lunch on Fridays. All supplies and yarn are included. No Cost. Grades 9 to 12
When: Fridays at lunch
Where: Library in the Maker's Space
Contact: Mrs. Davies
Come join our school debate club! We study styles of formal debate to build public speaking skills and learn how to build structured arguments about current events! Adding debate club to your resume looks great for jobs and universities. Our team of debaters participate in tournaments against Sardis and GW. If you are interested, come see Ms. Bell in 2179 for more information.
Where: 2179
Contact: Ms. Bell
The CSS D&D club meets Thursdays after school in Room 3008 to play roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons. No experience is necessary; we will connect you with a game and teach you to play. This is a safe space for everyone and all are welcome.
When: Thursdays from 3-4:30pm
Where: Room 3008
Contact: Mr. Kimberley, Mr. Kelly & Ms. Jeansonne
GSA/Pride club encourages an atmosphere of personal development and camaraderie as students are allowed a space to explore and express their unique circumstances, orientations and identities. Meals, light snacks, crafts and games are often provided. All are welcome.
When: Tuesdays & Fridays at lunch
Where: Room 3008
Contact: Mr. Kimberley & Mrs. Kimberley
Do you have a guitar laying around that you've always wanted to learn how to play? Do you already play guitar and want to learn some new riffs, techniques or songs? If so, the GUITAR CLUB is perfect for you! Most students will need to bring their own guitars.
When: Fridays at lunch
Where: Room 3150
Contact: Mr. Bhatti
When: Tuesdays during Storm Block
Where: Room 1010
Contact: Ms. Miller
This is a per term sign up. There is a limit of 8 students per term for the Jewelry Club. This is free and all supplies are included. Come make a bracelet, earrings or some gifts for your family.
When: Wednesdays at lunch
Where: The Makerspace
Contact: Library in the Maker's Space
Do you have an interest in ceramics? Join the pottery club where you will be able to make individual independent projects. We have a limit of 8 students per term and a charge of $15 dollars per term. Come make some homemade gifts for your friends and family and while having fun with other passionate artists.
When: Mondays 3:00-4:30
Where: Room 1128
Contact: Jillian Whitely, Room 2012
Any students who are interested in Robotics design and Challenge are welcome to come. We have a monthly challenge to build different robots. We might participate in V5 Robotics competitions.
When: Thursdays at Lunch
Where: Room 3154
Contact: Mr. Liang and Ms Pollack
Spanish Club is for native speakers wanting to meet other native speakers and for Spanish Language learners looking for conversation practice. Everyone is welcome!
When: Wednesdays at lunch
Where: Room 2006
Contact: Ms. Floystrup
SOCA (students of color association) is a safe place for BIPOC students. Cultural food, games, crafts, and activities are often available. This club provides a supportive community and a place for students to learn and share different cultures.
When: Fridays at lunch
Where: Room 3014
Contact: Mr. Armstrong
Video Game Club meets Tuesdays at lunch in Room 3150. We have old school and newer gen systems with games for everyone to enjoy. If interested in signing up, email or see Mr. Bhatti in Room 3150. Sign up is required for all students.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch
Where: Room 3150